It was quite amazing to meet you,
honestly, I don’t really remember how we introduce each other, as far as I can
remember is we were in the same class. Since then I knew I had this weird
feeling –not kind of romantic but, really, just weird. Like, come on, everybody
likes you. The way you never stop smiling to each other, greet everyone that
pass you by, and I hate the way you look happy all the time because it gives so
many positive vibes to other person. Admit it, you had that good-looking face
–supported by your smile and you already got that charisma, you can be a true
leader, I knew it. I couldn’t give any details or facts why you have potential to be such a thing like that but I just felt it. I don’t usually
trust something without facts or micro-details and I hate myself sometimes when
I talk in intuitive-way, pardon me. Well, the purpose of this letter is just as
an expression of what I see, what I feel, and what I think. There’s no special.
It was just me, writing about you, in my perspective.
You are so fine. I talk with many people and you are one of them. I don’t really like to be in the middle of bunches of people, I prefer myself to be alone or pretend that I am alone –same case when I am in the middle of the concert and sing with joy without put any attention to anybody around me, because I am the happiest girl alive in that moment, and moment will pass. So, when we had a chance to having conversation about anything, even the unimportant things, were really important for me. I did stupid thing, we lost the way into the airport and I even took a long time to decide to go to watch the cinema. But it excites me every time I had a chance to talk in person, especially you. We talked about random things and what will we do in holiday, our department of student association, or even just for a market research I did by interviewing you at that time. Talk with people give me so many insights. I prefer to be alone, but I can’t stand my mind alone, that’s why I try to talk with people –so I can calm my mind. It is really hard for me to express my feelings in the right way. We don’t really know each other but I see you from far and I feel jealous with all your fine things. Again, you are so fine. I am jealous because I admire you, everything you do. I want to be as lovable as you. I want to be as kind as you. I want to be as warm as you. Damn, you are fine. You can be so calm and live your life to the fullest, you can be so strong and get over the problem, you can be so though and keep inspiring others. We put the trust on you. I put my trust on you.
Let’s keep this relation. You
will never know how those little things you do can actually make others’ day.
Never ask less or more. This appreciation letter wants you to be happy because
you matter. I may just a slight, a glimpse –of people, but it was nice talking
to you. I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for your time.
And I am sorry for all misunderstandings. Keep being you.